Shortcut Europe 2013

Shortcut Europe meeting will be held from 28 – 30 November 2013 in Murcia, Spain under the title “Cultural Centres and their neighbourhoods”. This congress offers a unique platform for exchange to experts and professionals from all over Europe working in the cultural filed. Most recently, the congress was held in Warsaw, Poland (2011) and Zagreb, Croatia (2012).

Shortcut Europe meeting will be held from 28 – 30 November 2013 in Murcia, Spain under the title “Cultural Centres and their neighbourhoods”. This congress offers a unique platform for exchange to experts and professionals from all over Europe working in the cultural filed. Most recently, the congress was held in Warsaw, Poland (2011) and Zagreb, Croatia (2012).


Shortcut Europe 2013, this year’s congress of the European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC) is organized by ENCC in cooperation with the Town Hall of Murcia, Murcia Area of Culture and Puertas de Castilla Centre  (Die Webseite ist leider nicht mehr abrufbar).


Parraga Centre

The congress will be held in Murcia from 28 to 30 November 2013 in the Párraga Centre It is an institution dependent on the Council of Culture of the Government of Murcia destined to the investigation, exhibition and promotion of the contemporary performing arts focused in these main lines of investigation: live arts, the body in movement and the not conventional spaces.

Conference programme includes plenary lectures, working groups, guided visits to cultural venues in Murcia and cultural events for participants from all around Europe.

The main topic of this year’s Shortcut Europe conference is “Cultural Centres and their neighbourhoods“. The mission and programs of cultural houses are partly determined by its location and environment and the value of their work with the neighbourhood.

The Murcia meeting will offer as second reference point to discuss the topic of: “Cultural Centres and the crisis“. Crisis as problem, but also as moment of truth, a possible transition to a new way of working and cooperating.

The meeting will be divided in working groups, with three different focus:

  • How networks of local cultural centres function in large metropolitan areas?
  • What are the special needs and the role of culture in rural areas?
  • What are the challenges for cultural centres as key players in their own urban area?

Shortcut Europe 2013 Murcia is most certainly the place to be for all cultural, art or civil society professionals and enthusiasts who seek networking and exchange of ideas in Spain and the EU.

More Info, programm, registration:

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