Project Fair Aarhus 2013 / 6-8 June 2013


We are happy to invite you to this years Project Fair which takes place 6 - 8 June at Godsbanen in Aarhus, Denmark. We have created a program which offers an insight into a wide variety of aspects related to the theme Cultural production in European Cultural Centres.


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We are happy to invite you to this years Project Fair which takes place 6 - 8 June at Godsbanen in Aarhus, Denmark. We have created a program which offers an insight into a wide variety of aspects related to the theme Cultural production in European Cultural Centres.

The program combines spoken, intellectual input with practical, hands-on experience through 14 different workshops. So whatever your cultural experiences are and whereever your focus lies, you should be able to find an interesting subject that you can discuss and develop in collaboration with your European colleagues. In addition your cultural centre will have the possibillity to be part of an exhibition produced in advance at Godsbanen.
And then there are all the other exciting things going on...


The Project Fair is an annual event arranged by European network of Cultural Centres and held in different European cities each year. This years event will take place at Godsbanen in Aarhus, Denmark, and is arranged in collaboration with Aarhus Cultural Capital 2017 and Kulturhusene i Danmark.

This years theme is Cultural Production in European Cultural Centres, and the aim of the fair is to provide both food for thought and a hands-on experience for all participants.

The program is now online and the registration is open. Read more about the Project Fair in general, the workshops and the exhibition.

The registration form will be open until 30th May.
However, if you want us to try to provide private accomodation for you, we will need your registration by 23rd May.

Program and Workshops We have arranged 14 different workshops that you can choose between - so whether you are a manager or producer, artist or technician, volunteer or employee, you should be able to find subject that is right for you!

Click here  (Die Webseite ist leider nicht mehr abrufbar) to see or download the full program and  the descriptions of all the workshops.

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