ENCC: Up Grants

ENCC re-introduces its UP Grants, open to all socio-cultural centres throughout Europe. This funding scheme aims to help sustainability and innovative initiatives already in place, in order to boost them, provide visibility and inspire others. 4 selected projects will receive a grant of 3500€ | Deadline: 16. Mai 2022

ENCC UP Grants

Are you a socio-cultural centre running a project on sustainability, innovation, community and territorial development? Do you want to make your work visible and recognised on the European level and inspirational for others?

ENCC re-introduces its UP Grants, open to all socio-cultural centres throughout Europe. This funding scheme aims to help sustainability and innovative initiatives already in place, in order to boost them, provide visibility and inspire others. It does not only collect existing best practices, but attempts to give them a boost for further development - a dynamic initiative in
a changing context.

Who may submit their ideas?
All the ENCC members, members of the ENCC networks, and all non-profit socio-cultural centres in Europe may apply for ENCC UP Grants. Feel free to submit one or several applications, we want to hear about your projects!

What's in it for my organisation?
4 selected projects will receive a grant of 3500€. 4 extra grants will also be given to Italian initiatives from Piemonte, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta by our partner Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo. The 8 selected best practices will be
showcased on the ENCC website and other ENCC communication channels and invited to join our conference in Turin next June. All ideas will be included in a database and get visibility at national and international levels.

What's the pre-selection process?
A team of ENCC representatives will check all projects to make sure they're presented by organisations eligible for the UP Grants.

How will the projects be designated?
Best practices will be selected combining the evaluation of a jury of experts and the results of public online voting. We will prioritise sustainable initiatives engaging the local community, citizens and organisations working in other sectors, as well as actions that value inclusion and diversity as part of sustainability, and can prove their impact through the use of proper quantitative and qualitative indicators.
Additional points will also be given to actions involving wider audiences and cooperation beyond cultural centres, territorial development and civic participation.

15 April 2022: launch of the initiative
15 April - 16 May 2022: Submit your project/idea and its possible developments.
18- 30 May 2022: Public and expert voting.
14 June: presentation of winners in Turin
June-October 2022: the selected projects implement the follow-up plan
14 November 2022: deadline for reporting and sharing all relevant materials.

The Strands
2 main Strands with different focuses:
1) Awareness and pattern change/mindshift: art and culture can shape how people think
and influence their behaviours, also in relation to sustainability.
2 main focuses:
a. Education and awareness raising
b. Arts and sustainability
2) Footprint of culture: how can cultural centres be more sustainable? 2 main focuses:
a. organising an event
b. managing a sociocultural centre

How to apply?
Read the full conditions in the "Guidelines" to make sure your project is eligible.
Use the application form and submit your idea before 16th of May 2022.

Further information and Details:
ENCC UP Grants
Do you have a question about the initiative or the application process?
Write to Pierre Vachaudez, Project and Membership Officer - pierre.vachaudez@encc.eu.


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