Made In Project - Cultural partnership | Creative Europe

Chance auf Zusatzgeld EU Kooperationsprojekt Creative Europe
The cultural center TOBAKKEN is seeking partnership with 4 European cultural centres from 4 different countries for a corporate project under the EU-programme, Creative Europe. The subject of the corporate project MADE IN is the development of local and regional musical talents. | Deadline: 03rd May

The cultural center TOBAKKEN - located in Esbjerg, Denmark - is having different areas of activities, such as artcinema, cultural center for youth, meeting facilities, sound studio, rehearsalrooms for musicians, workshops for handycrafts and a cafe, the main activities at Tobakken are concerts and music-events.
One specific area of the cultural work at TOBAKKEN is the development of local and regional musical talents, which is also the subject of the corporate project.
TOBAKKEN expect and demand that partnership cultural centers are experienced venues for rhythmic music events and live concerts – and in addition have experience with development af local and regional musical talents.

Corporate Project title: MADE IN

The following project description provides an overview of the three-year CREATIVE EUROPE project MADE IN. The project aims to establish and strengthen European corporation within the live music sector through the cultural exchange of upcoming artists from five different European countries. As such, five different music venues in five different countries will provide three artists each year to perform at five MADE IN Festivals, held at each venue. Planning will start in August 2022 with five annual festivals to be carried out from 2023 throughout 2025.


  • To develop and strengthen European cooperation between live venues through cultural exchange.
  • To create an international music festival at each participating venue.
  • To develop musical talent (songwriting, composition, band interaction and live performance).
  • To establish a network between the participating venues and artists.


  • Each artist is to present their own compositions live, played on musical instruments.
  • Each artist can be categorized as popular music within one of the following musical genres: rock, pop, blues, soul, americana, folk, hip hop and rap.
  • Each venue is to present an annual festival (2-4 days) presenting a minimum of 20 artists (including the 15 artists participating in the project).
  • Each venue is to work under the same set of guidelines outlined below.

The following set of guidelines is divided in two different phases: the planning and execution of each festival.


  • The MADE IN project books and coordinates the artists and their participation at each festival.
  • The MADE IN project takes care of pay, transport, accommodation and catering during transport for all participating artists.
  • The MADE IN project prepares marketing materials for all venues and participating artists.
  • The MADE IN project will provide merchandise (T-shirts, hoodies, jackets and caps) for each annual festival at each venue.
  • Each venue will provide and pay for a fully equipped stage (including staff) during each festival.
  • Each venue will take care of ticket sale and marketing activities in relation to each annual festival – using the provided marketing material from the MADE IN project.
  • Each venue will receive all income related to ticket- and bar sales.
  • Each venue will provide acceptable accommodation and catering for participating artists.
  • Each venue is responsible for gathering and paying for relevant permits – including the payment of copyright, taxes and other charges related to the execution of live music.
  • Each venue will – in cooperation with the MADE IN project – document the festival through video.
  • Each venue is responsible for the festival in its entirety – and that there is enough communication between the venue and the MADE IN project.


  • Each venue is responsible for the execution of their own festival including staffing.
  • The MADE IN project is to approve each venues staffing plan, running order, catering and program.
  • The participating MADE IN artists is to play a show with a duration of 40 minutes with a 20-minute changeover.
  • Each venue will provide a full backline including:
    • A full drum set including racks, cymbals and a chair.
    • One bass amp including speaker / bass combo.
    • Two guitar amps including speaker / guitar combo.
    • One keyboard setup including a piano with rack, sustain pedal and chair.
    • Anything other than the above will only be provided with prior inquiry.
  • Each venue is to provide catering free of charge to each participating artist.
  • The MADE IN project is to participate in each festival with at least one observer – who also represents the participating MADE IN artists.
  • The participating venues may not without written approval prior to the festival be subject any form of sponsor agreements or any other form of commercial arrangements. 

TOBAKKEN needs to establish letter of intend for partnership to apply for funding under Creative Europe. Therefore they need to know information of interests 24 hours before Deadline (5th of May).

Contact Details and further information:





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