‘It’s not just a crisis, it is a transition!’

Culture Action Europe (CAE) announces an innovative two-day international conference about the vital role of cultural capacities in building a way out of the deadlock that threatens Europe, its people and democracy. Placed in space and time to maximize its impact on the agenda for the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union that will begin in July 2014, the conference conversations, debates and short lectures will involve leading personalities in the European scene of decision-making, cultural organisations, academia and civil society.

Culture Action Europe Public Conference 4-5 October 2013, Rome


Culture Action Europe (CAE) announces an innovative two-day international conference about the vital role of cultural capacities in building a way out of the deadlock that threatens Europe, its people and democracy. Placed in space and time to maximize its impact on the agenda for the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union that will begin in July 2014, the conference conversations, debates and short lectures will involve leading personalities in the European scene of decision-making, cultural organisations, academia and civil society.


CAE’s Facebook page ‘Act for Culture in Europe’

Conference Facebook event created by our Italian members

CAE’s Twitter account actforculture

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