ENCC Project Fair

The ENCC invites you to participate to the next project fair in Helsinki from the 14th till 16th of 
June 2012. 
A few days before midsummer, at the end of a hopefully successful season, when probably the 
programm 2012-2013 of your centre is already planned, we invite you to add a European 
dimension to your future work. Running a smaller cultural institute in a province townor village, 
or working in a huge cultural institute in a major city... becoming involved in European cooperation
can be a real added value.

14th till 16th of June 2012

The ENCC invites you to participate to the next project fair in Helsinki from the 14th till 16th of 
June 2012. 
A few days before midsummer, at the end of a hopefully successful season, when probably the 
programm 2012-2013 of your centre is already planned, we invite you to add a European 
dimension to your future work. Running a smaller cultural institute in a province townor village, 
or working in a huge cultural institute in a major city... becoming involved in European cooperation
can be a real added value.

The Helsinki meeting wants to be a lab for future European projects. A meeting where you will meet potential partners for cooperation, experts as well as newcomers on the European field, and most important, five topics to build around the cooperation and European projects.

The meeting will have workshops and partner meetings on the following theme's:

  • Community arts as a tool of improving social capacities (everybody is an artist!)
  • Active aging: intergenerational projects in the cultural field
  • Arts project with disadvantage groups in society
  • Cultural education for children and youth
  • Real intercultural, a challenge for the cultural field

The general goal of the Helsinki meeting is going back home with:

  • potential partners all over Europe,
  • with a draft project description
  • and a good time schedule to develop a European project in the next year

Therefor the ENCC will provide workshops with practical information on European (smaller scale) cooperation project and how to come to a concrete application. Especialy in the projectlines like Grundtvig, Youth in Action, Europe for citizens.


Thursday 14th of June, Arrival day
Registration from 14.00 till 16.00 at Malmitalo Cultural Centre situated in Malmi suburban area City Reception from 17.00 till 18.00 at Vanha Raatihuone, in the city centre of Helsinki

Friday 15the of June
The Project Fair Conference at Malmitalo from 9:30 – 18:00
A whole day of workshops, partners meetings, information sessions.

Saturday 16th of June
(For members) General Assembly of ENCC
Till midday continuing partner meetings.
Saturday afternoon discovering Helsinki
Saturday evening program at the seaside.

Hotel accommodation:
The most convenient way to find accommodation fitting your needs is to use the internet browser.
Normally in June the reasonable prices vary from 75 -120 euro per night.

The venue of the conference:
Malmitalo Cultural Centre, address: Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00660 HELSINKI
Vanha Raatihuone, address: Aleksanterinkatu 20, 00100 HELSINKI

Participation fee: 80 euro (including coffees and meals from Thursday till Saturday)

For additional information please, do not hesitate to contact the local host.
When you intend to participate, please give already now a short mail to Antti Manninen.

Antti Manninen
tel. +358400700081
or email antti.manninen@hel.fi

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